Required Type Annotations

There are same specific situations where Claro will require a type annotation to understand your intent. Note that these situations are not just a limitation of the compiler, even if Claro would somehow implicitly decide a type for you in these situations, your colleagues (or your future self) would struggle to comprehend what type was being inferred.

For clarity and correctness in the following situations, you will be required to write an explicit type annotation:

Procedure Signatures

Most obvious is the fact that all procedure signatures must fully encode the types of any arguments and, if the procedure returns a value, its return type.

Fig 1:

function add(lhs: int, rhs: int) -> int {
  # ...
  return lhs + rhs;

If you're thinking, "but sometimes I want to write procedures that can accept values of more than one type!", then you have a couple options:

  • If you know the possible set of types ahead of time: use oneof<...>
  • Otherwise: use generics

Lambda Expressions assigned to variables

As lambdas are just anonymous procedures, they must either be used in a context that already "asserts" the lambda's signature, such as in this variable declaration:

Fig 2:

var add: function<|int, int| -> int> = lambda (lhs, rhs) -> lhs + rhs;

Note: Claro does support an alternative syntax sugar to bake the type annotation directly into the lambda expression:

Fig 3:

var add = (lhs: int, rhs: int) -> int { return lhs + rhs; };

Initializing Empty Builtin Collections

Claro would have no way of knowing what type the below list was intended to be without an explicit type annotation:

Fig 4:

var l: [int] = [];

Non-literal Tuple Subscript

Unlike with literal integer tuple subscript indices, when you use a non-literal tuple subscript index value, you have hidden the index from Claro's type inference behind a layer of indirection that Claro will not attempt to follow. In these cases you'll be required to assert your intent via a runtime type cast:

Fig 5:

var t = (1, "one", 1.1);
var i = random::nextNonNegativeBoundedInt(random::create(), 3);

# This program crashes at runtime a third of the time...
var t_int = cast(int , t[i]);

Warning: Claro allows this simply to avoid being too restrictive, but you should arguably take these runtime casts as a code-smell and find a statically safe way to rewrite your code to avoid this sort of dynamic tuple subscripting.

(Advanced) Calls to Generic Procedure With Unconstrained Return Type

When a generic return type can't be inferred from arg(s) referencing the same generic type, you must explicitly assert the type that you intend for the procedure to return.

This is something that will likely only come up in more advanced usage of the language. Getting into this situation requires using multiple language features together in a rather intentional way, but for completeness here's an example of how this may happen:

Fig 6:

function assertVariant<A, B, Asserted>(o: oneof<A, B>) -> oneof<Asserted, std::Error<std::Nothing>> {
  if (o instanceof Asserted) {
    return o;
  return std::Error(std::Nothing);

var myOneof: oneof<int, string> = "hello";

var assertedInt = cast(oneof<int, std::Error<std::Nothing>>, assertVariant(myOneof));
var assertedStr = cast(oneof<string, std::Error<std::Nothing>>, assertVariant(myOneof));




See the Generic Return Type Inference section for more on this.

Any Ambiguously-Typed Expression Passed to a Generic Function Arg Position

Because Claro monomorphizes generic procedures, Claro must determine the called procedure's concrete types based on the types of the arguments. In the case that the type of an argument expression is ambiguous, it must be explicitly annotated with a cast:

Fig 7:

consumer foo<A>(a: A) {
  # ...

var t = (1, "one");
var i: int = # ...
  random::nextNonNegativeBoundedInt(random::create(), 2);

foo(cast(int, t[i]));

However, the effect of this can be limited in generic procedures with multiple arguments. The type cast may not be necessary if the type parameter is already constrained by another preceding argument:

Fig 8:

consumer apply<A>(a: A, c: consumer<A>) {

apply(1, x -> { print(x + 10); });
