
Claro's StdLib Module Documentation Generation Is Still a WIP.

This is currently just a placeholder to at least ensure that all the StdLib Modules are represented here so that you don't have to dig into the GitHub repo to find this. But, expect this to improve and become more interactive over time.

# Simply exposing the functionality documented at the links below to Claro programs:
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# TODO(steving) Make this api safe so that nothing can throw a runtime exception.


function fromChar(c: char) -> string;

function charAt(s: string, i: int) -> char;

function commonPrefix(s: string, other: string) -> string;
function commonSuffix(s: string, other: string) -> string;

function compareTo(s: string, other: string) -> int;
function compareToIgnoreCase(s: string, other: string) -> int;

function concat(s: string, other: string) -> string;

function contains(s: string, other: string) -> boolean;

function endsWith(s: string, other: string) -> boolean;

function equalsIgnoreCase(s: string, other: string) -> boolean;

function indexOf(s: string, of: string) -> oneof<int, NOT_FOUND>;
function indexOfFromIndex(s: string, of: string, from: int) -> oneof<int, NOT_FOUND>;

function isEmpty(s: string) -> boolean;

function join(delimiter: string, parts: [string]) -> string;

function lastIndexOf(s: string, of: string) -> oneof<int, NOT_FOUND>;
function lastIndexOfFromIndex(s: string, of: string, from: int) -> oneof<int, NOT_FOUND>;

function matches(s: string, regex: string) -> boolean;

# TODO(steving) Revisit this once Claro has support for chars. Should support configurable padding char.
function padEnd(s: string, minLength: int) -> string;
function padStart(s: string, minLength: int) -> string;

function regionMatches(s: string, s_offset: int, other: string, o_offset: int, regionLen: int) -> boolean;
function regionMatchesIgnoreCase(ignoreCase: boolean, s: string, s_offset: int, other: string, o_offset: int, regionLen: int) -> boolean;

function repeated(s: string, count: int) -> string;

function replace(s: string, target: string, replacement: string) -> string;
function replaceAll(s: string, regex: string, replacement: string) -> string;
function replaceFirst(s: string, regex: string, replacement: string) -> string;

function split(s: string, regex: string) -> [string];
function splitWithLimit(s: string, regex: string, limit: int) -> [string];
function splitChars(s: string) -> [char];

function startsWith(s: string, other: string) -> boolean;
function startsWithFromIndex(s: string, other: string, from: int) -> boolean;

function substring(s: string, beginInclusive: int, endExclusive: int) -> string;
function suffix(s: string, beginInclusive: int) -> string;

function toLowerCase(s: string) -> string;
function toUpperCase(s: string) -> string;

function trim(s: string) -> string;