
Claro's StdLib Module Documentation Generation Is Still a WIP.

This is currently just a placeholder to at least ensure that all the StdLib Modules are represented here so that you don't have to dig into the GitHub repo to find this. But, expect this to improve and become more interactive over time.

# This module simply provides access to the functionality described in:
#   -
# The signatures found here in this module are not a 1:1 match with the signatures in their Java equivalents, however,
# as all error cases have been intentionally modelled as proper return values wrapped in std::Error<...>. In this way,
# interacting with any procedures defined in this module will be inherently safe.

# TODO(steving) Claro needs some sort of Collection<T> contract or something so that duplicated procedures aren't needed
# TODO(steving)     for mut/immut cases.

# TODO(steving) If at all possible, should be refactored so that it *contains* a List rather than extends
# TODO(steving)     ArrayList directly so that functionality directly from Guava's Lists class can be directly added to
# TODO(steving)     this module w/o losing the performance wins of their "views".
# TODO(steving)   -

newtype IndexOutOfBounds : struct {index: int, size: int}
newtype IndicesOutOfOrder : struct {invalidLowerBound: int, invalidUpperBound: int}
newtype InvalidCapacity : int
newtype ElementNotFound<T> : T

# Appends the specified element to the end of this list.
consumer add<T>(l: mut [T], toAdd: T);

# Appends all of the elements in the second list to the end of the first list, in the order they appear in the second.
# The behavior of this call is undefined if both args reference the same non-empty list.
# Returns: `true` if this list changed as a result of the call, else `false`.
function addAll<T>(l: mut [T], toAdd: [T]) -> boolean;
function addAllFromMut<T>(l: mut [T], toAdd: mut [T]) -> boolean;

# Removes all of the elements from this list. The list will be empty after this call returns.
consumer clear<T>(l: mut [T]);

# Returns: true if this list contains the specified element, else `false`.
function contains<T>(l: [T], elem: T) -> boolean;
function containsInMut<T>(l: mut [T], elem: T) -> boolean;

# Returns: true if this list contains all of the elements of the specified collection, else `false`.
function containsAll<T>(l: [T], elems: [T]) -> boolean;
function containsAllFromMut<T>(l: [T], elems: mut [T]) -> boolean;
function containsAllInMut<T>(l: mut [T], elems: [T]) -> boolean;
function containsAllInMutFromMut<T>(l: mut [T], elems: mut [T]) -> boolean;

# Increases the capacity of this list instance, if necessary, to ensure that it can hold at least the number of elements
# specified by the minimum capacity argument.
consumer ensureCapacity<T>(l: mut [T], minCapacity: int);

# Performs the given action for each element.
consumer forEach<T>(l: [T], action: consumer<T>);
consumer forEachInMut<T>(l: mut [T], action: consumer<T>);

# Returns the element at the specified position in this list. This is a bounds-checked alternative to directly accessing
# via the unsafe `[]` which may result in a runtime Panic.
function getAt<T>(l: [T], index: int) -> oneof<T, std::Error<IndexOutOfBounds>>;
function getAtInMut<T>(l: mut [T], index: int) -> oneof<T, std::Error<IndexOutOfBounds>>;

# Returns: the index of the first occurrence of the specified element in this list, or -1 if this list does not contain
#          the element.
function indexOf<T>(l: [T], t: T) -> oneof<int, std::Error<ElementNotFound<T>>>;
function indexOfInMut<T>(l: mut [T], t: T) -> oneof<int, std::Error<ElementNotFound<T>>>;

# Inserts all of the elements in the second list into the first list, starting at the specified position. Shifts the
# element currently at that position (if any) and any subsequent elements to the right (increases their indices). The
# new elements will appear in the first list in the order that they occur in the second list.
# Returns: `true` if this list changed as a result of the call, else `false`.
function insertAllAt<T>(l: mut [T], index: int, elems: [T]) -> oneof<boolean, std::Error<IndexOutOfBounds>>;
function insertAllAtFromMut<T>(l: mut [T], index: int, elems: mut [T]) -> oneof<boolean, std::Error<IndexOutOfBounds>>;

# Inserts the specified element at the specified position in this list. Shifts the element currently at that position
# (if any) and any subsequent elements to the right (adds one to their indices).
function insertAt<T>(l: mut [T], index: int, t: T) -> oneof<std::OK, std::Error<IndexOutOfBounds>>;

# Returns: `true` if this list contains no elements, else `false`.
function isEmpty<T>(l: [T]) -> boolean;
function isEmptyInMut<T>(l: mut [T]) -> boolean;

# Returns: the index of the last occurrence of the specified element in this list, or -1 if this list does not contain
#          the element.
function lastIndexOf<T>(l: [T], t: T) -> oneof<int, std::Error<ElementNotFound<T>>>;
function lastIndexOfInMut<T>(l: mut [T], t: T) -> oneof<int, std::Error<ElementNotFound<T>>>;

# Removes from this list all of its elements that are contained in the specified collection.
# Returns: `true` if this list changed as a result of the call, else `false`.
function removeAll<T>(l: mut [T], toRemove: [T]) -> boolean;
function removeAllFromMut<T>(l: mut [T], toRemove: mut [T]) -> boolean;

# TODO(steving) Drop `remove()` as builtin token from lexer/parser so that this isn't duplicated.
# Removes the element at the specified position in this list. Shifts any subsequent elements to the left (subtracts one
# from their indices).
# Returns: the element that was removed from the list.
function removeAt<T>(l: mut [T], index: int) -> oneof<T, std::Error<IndexOutOfBounds>>;

# Removes the first occurrence of the specified element from this list, if it is present. If the list does not contain
# the element, it is unchanged.
# Returns: `true` if this list contained the specified element, else `false`.
function removeFirst<T>(l: mut [T], t: T) -> boolean;

# Removes all of the elements of this list that satisfy the given predicate.
# Returns: `true` if any elements were removed, else `false`.
function removeIf<T>(l: mut [T], pred: function<T -> boolean>) -> boolean;

# Replaces each element of this list with the result of applying the operator to that element.
consumer replaceAll<T>(l: mut [T], operator: function<T -> T>);

# Retains only the elements in the first list that are contained in the second list. In other words, removes from the
# first list all of its elements that are not contained in the second list.
# Returns: `true` if this list changed as a result of the call, else `false`.
function retainAll<T>(l: mut [T], toRetain: [T]) -> boolean;
function retainAllFromMut<T>(l: mut [T], toRetain: mut [T]) -> boolean;

# Replaces the element at the specified position in this list with the specified element. This is a bounds-checked
# alternative to directly setting via the unsafe `l[index] = ...` which may result in a runtime Panic.
function setAt<T>(l: mut [T], index: int, t: T) -> oneof<T, std::Error<IndexOutOfBounds>>;

# Sorts this list according to the order induced by the specified comparator.
# For detailed explanation of "comparators", see:
consumer sort<T>(l: mut [T], comparator: function<|T, T| -> int>);

# Returns a view of the portion of this list between the specified fromIndex, inclusive, and toIndex, exclusive. (If
# `fromInclusive` and `toExclusive` are equal, the returned list is empty.)
function subList<T>(l: [T], fromInclusive: int, toExclusive: int)
    -> oneof<[T], std::Error<IndexOutOfBounds>, std::Error<IndicesOutOfOrder>>;
# TODO(steving) If at all possible, should be refactored so that it *contains* a List rather than extends
# TODO(steving)     ArrayList directly so that subListOfMut() can return a proper "view".
# TODO(steving)   -,from%2C%20to).clear()%3B
function subListOfMut<T>(l: mut [T], fromInclusive: int, toExclusive: int)
    -> oneof<mut [T], std::Error<IndexOutOfBounds>, std::Error<IndicesOutOfOrder>>;

# Trims the capacity of this list instance to be the list's current size. An application can use this operation to
# minimize the storage of a list instance.
consumer trimToSize<T>(l: mut [T]);

# Constructs an empty list with the specified initial capacity.
function withInitialCapacity<T>(capacity: int) -> oneof<mut [T], std::Error<InvalidCapacity>>;