Guaranteed Data-Race-Free Concurrency

One of Claro's most powerful advantages is that it is able to statically analyze your concurrent code to ensure that it is impossible to run into a data-race at runtime.

A data race occurs when two or more threads in a single process access the same memory location concurrently, and at least one of the accesses is for writing, and the threads are not using any exclusive locks to control their accesses to that memory.

While there are situations where a race condition may be desirable, they are accidental bugs far more often than not. So, Claro has been carefully designed to statically prevent you from writing any program with such a data race. There are a few primary mechanisms in the language that, together, ensure that data races are impossible to encode. At their core, these restrictions boil down to preventing any two threads from sharing references to the same mutable data.

Thread-Local Data Can be Mutated at Will

Claro requires the use of immutable data when passing data between threads. By enforcing this constraint globally, Claro programs in turn receive a static guarantee that all non-Graph procedure interactions with mutable data are happening over mutable data that is local to the current thread only and therefore doesn't require any synchronization whatsoever.

So, while you'll read about restrictions on Graph Procedures below, keep in mind that the internal implementations of any given node (e.g. the implementation of a procedure called by a node) may create whatever mutable data it wants, and mutate it freely, including by passing the data around to other procedures that do the mutation.

All Graph Procedure Args Must be Deeply-Immutable

Claro's Graph Procedures are an inherently concurrent control flow structure, with nodes executing concurrently by definition. Importantly, Graphs are executed on multiple threads using a threadpool, and Claro takes responsibility for this execution being thread safe. As nodes may be executing simultaneously, it would be fundamentally unsafe for any two nodes to share a reference to the same mutable data as nothing would prevent one of the threads from mutating the data while another thread is reading from it.

Claro's approach to addressing this is to track mutability in the type system, and to make use of that information to ensure that no two threads ever share mutable state by statically requiring that all Graph procedure arguments and node outputs are deeply immutable.

Fig 1:

graph function someGraph(mutArg: mut [int]) -> future<SomeRes> {
    root res   <- computeRes(@nodeB, @nodeC);
    node nodeB <- doNodeBThing(mutArg);
    node nodeC <- doNodeCThing(mutArg);

Compilation Errors:

guaranteed_data_race_free_EX1_example.claro:1: Illegal Mutable Graph Procedure Arg: As Graph Procedures are multi-threaded by nature, all args must be deeply-immutable in order to guarantee that Graph Procedures are data-race free by construction.
	Found the mutable type:
		mut [int]
	To correct this, consider converting the arg's type to its deeply-immutable variant:
graph function someGraph(mutArg: mut [int]) -> future<SomeRes> {
guaranteed_data_race_free_EX1_example.claro:3: Invalid type:
		mut [int]
    node nodeB <- doNodeBThing(mutArg);
guaranteed_data_race_free_EX1_example.claro:4: Invalid type:
		mut [int]
    node nodeC <- doNodeCThing(mutArg);
3 Errors

    graph TD
    nodeB --> res
    nodeC --> res

Here, Claro has correctly identified that nodeB and nodeC would be susceptible to creating a data race, and so a compilation error is raised. Additionally, even if there were only a single graph node actually using mutArg, it would still be fundamentally unsafe. Remember that every single node in a graph runs on the Graph Executor, which is backed by a threadpool meaning that passing any arguments to a graph procedure is inherently an act that hands data to another thread. Claro's philosophy of thread safety is to statically prevent sharing mutable state across threads, so this will not be allowed.

All Graph Procedure Node Outputs Must be Deeply-Immutable

You'll also be prevented from introducing a data race by having a graph node pass mutable data to other downstream nodes:

Fig 2:

graph provider someGraph() -> future<SomeRes> {
    root res   <- computeRes(@nodeB, @nodeC);
    node nodeB <- doNodeBThing(@nodeA);
    node nodeC <- doNodeCThing(@nodeA);
    node nodeA <- getMutableThing();

Compilation Errors:

guaranteed_data_race_free_EX2_example.claro:5: Illegal Mutable Graph Node Result: As Graph Procedures are multi-threaded by nature, all node expression types must be deeply-immutable in order to guarantee that Graph Procedures are data-race free by construction.
	Found the result of node `nodeA` to have the mutable type:
		mut [int]
	To correct this, consider converting to its deeply-immutable variant:
    node nodeA <- getMutableThing();
1 Error

    graph TD
    nodeA --> nodeB
    nodeA --> nodeC
    nodeB --> res
    nodeC --> res

Again, Claro has correctly identified that nodeB and nodeC would be susceptible to creating a data race, and so a compilation error is raised.

Lambdas Cannot Capture Mutable Data

The final restriction that enables "Fearless Concurrency" in Claro programs is the constraint restricting Lambdas from "closing over"/capturing any mutable value. If Lambdas could capture mutable state data, then passing a Lambda into a Graph could (very indirectly) circumvent Claro's above restriction on sharing references to mutable data across multiple threads.

Read more in-depth about this restriction in the "Lambdas are Restricted Closures" section.

Thread Safe Mutable Data Structures "Blessed" By the StdLib

Claro aims to be a very pragmatic language, and so chooses not to complicate its type system with something like Rust's (notoriously complex) borrow checker to prevent shared ownership of unsynchronized, mutable data. Instead, Claro opts to take an approach of statically forbidding the arbitrary sharing of mutable state between threads, but then returning the ability to do mutation via a curated set of "blessed" mutable data structures that have been manually validated to be Thread Safe in all contexts.

For example, take the case of a multithreaded web server where it's very common to employ a request cache to improve throughput by reusing responses from downstream services for some period of time. This request cache is an inherently mutable structure (it needs to be updated when a new request needs to be cached, or when reloading an existing cache entry upon expiration). A mutable request cache is obviously of utmost importance for Claro's practical usefulness as a language for writing real world web services, so the stdlib exposes Ben Manes' famously high-performance, thread safe Caffeine caching library as the StdLib's cache module.

Important: This is Restricted to the StdLib

Claro accomplishes this using "Opaque" Types and a compiler intrinsic (trick) to effectively lie about the type's mutability to avoid the restrictions on types marked mut. In particular, this type is exported from the cache.claro_module_api file as follows:

Fig 3:

# Note the lack of a `mut` annotation.
opaque newtype Cache<K, V>

And is internally defined as wrapping the Java AsyncLoadingCache type from the Caffeine caching library:

Fig 4:

# This `$java_type` feature is only accessible to the StdLib.
newtype Cache<K, V>: $java_type<K, V>("com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.AsyncLoadingCache<%s, %s>")

Thanks to being defined as an Opaque Type, it's safe for this type to be passed anywhere, even shared between threads, as users' only mechanism to interact with values of this type is via the "front door" of the procedures exported from cache.claro_module_api which define a Thread Safe API.

It's not possible for user code to actually make this same "lie" about a type's mutability. This feature is explicitly restricted to the internal StdLib modules to ensure that Claro's "Fearless Concurrency" guarantees aren't broken by users either publishing buggy or intentionally malicious modules. At the moment (and into the foreseeable future), Claro places a much higher value on being able to make safety guarantees across the entire language ecosystem than on any individual's ability to define their own custom mutable data structures that can be shared across threads.

There are currently no plans to ever allow any mutable, user-defined type defined outside the StdLib to be shared across threads. Instead, Claro intends to actively welcome external contributions of high value, general purpose, demonstrably Thread Safe, mutable data structures to be made available via the StdLib.