Calling Graph Procedures

As you've already seen, if you call a Graph Procedure from within another Graph (composition) then Claro will automatically handle the scheduling for you so that downstream nodes receive the value when it's ready. If you tried calling a Graph Procedure from the top-level of a file, or from a non-Graph Procedure, then you'll see you receive a value wrapped in a future<...>. This is because, as Claro follows the Async pattern for concurrent execution, some nodes in the Graph Procedure may not be done running yet meaning that the overall Graph result may not be ready either.

For example, the getWatchlist Graph Procedure defined earlier could be called as if it were a typical procedure call:

Fig 1:

var someUserId: UserId = "Jake";
var graphRes: future<Watchlist> = getWatchlist(someUserId);

There's not much you can do with a future<...> as it's really just a handle representing work whose result you'd like to be able to access when it's ready. In this situation (outside a Graph), as a future<...> represents some computation that may not be done yet, the only way to get the actual result is to block the current thread until the other threads running the graph backing the future<...> have finished. To do so, use the "blocking unwrap" op <-|:

Fig 2:

var someUserId: UserId = "Jake";
var graphRes: Watchlist <-| getWatchlist(someUserId);


Watchlist([{name = Arrival}, {name = Doctor Who, episodeCount = 1000}])

Graphs Execute off the "Main" Thread

The number one thing to keep in mind is that between calling a Graph and blocking on its result, any operations between may be running concurrently with the graph backing the future<...> (you don't know when the graph actually finishes except that it will certainly have finished after the <-| operation).

Fig 3:

var graphFuture: future<Foo> = fooGraph(...);

# These two instructions are likely running concurrently with respect to
# `graphFuture`, as `graphFuture` likely hasn't finished yet, but they are
# definitely serialized with respect to each other.

# Blocking the current thread to "unwrap" the `future<Foo>` into a raw `Foo`
# value we can operate on.
var graphRes: Foo <-| graphFuture;